Boston Globe Article & Conversations on gender equity

Hi. I’m Katie Ring. I’m a commercial photographer and gender equity activist. Today, I’m front page news, read the article HERE.

I didn’t fully realize the challenges facing working women until I had my own children. Now more than ever, with the pandemic and lack of school/childcare, this issue is disproportionally affecting women.

While it is exciting to have been featured in the globe today, I want to use this moment to ask everyone to support a female small business owner. I promise for every shoot I book in the next month I will purchase a gift from a female entrepreneur and give it to another woman whose business/career has been affected by the pandemic. I am shooting take-out for restaurants from my van, and more complex product/food shoots in my studio with clients attending via video conferencing. I am working remotely, when I can, with social distancing measures in place.

I am also going to start weekly zoom calls on Mondays at 8PM to talk more about Gender Equity. Three years ago I started a group to advocate for paid family leave. I found that I’m great a building community and need support from others to successfully advocate for change. After talking to reporter Stephanie Ebbert about this for the article, I was reminded of my passion and need to move the needle on gender Equity. I believe that the way to start moving forward is to create a community to talk about it. Join me Monday nights at 8PM on zoom for community building and conversation about how women can support each other. Feminists of all genders encouraged to join.

For more information about these conversations please join my Gender Equity Facebook group.

Featured client work: Van photos is for the client Nzuko Restaurant, and the photograph with my kids is for client Grateful Burger.